Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Called to Comfort

 “All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 MSG
Autumn is in the air! Even here in the South the heat and humidity are reluctantly retreating. As I anticipate the entrance of an array of fall foliage, I envision evenings around a fire, see myself sporting sweats and sweaters, and contemplate sleeping, snuggled under a downy comforter.

I love how God designs seasons. A season for everything. The previous ushers in the next, encouraging us to leave the old and welcome the new. Summer sun strengthens, while heat and humidity heighten. Then autumn announces its arrival with a soothing sigh.
We all experience seasons. Granted, some are subtle, others outlandish. Yet each season has a purpose. Nature illustrates this through cycles of life, death, rest, and rebirth.  So, also, our seasons of life have purpose. God prepares us for our calling by counseling us in our most challenging seasons.

He calls His people to be comforters. We provide comfort when we share our seasons and show compassion to those experiencing hard times.
SHARE YOUR SEASONS—Authentic Christianity requires us to honestly address the reality of our own lives. Human nature likes to take a highlighter to the deficiency in others while covering our own in correction fluid. Yet a Comforter will cover another with a layer of love to shelter them. Exposing our own seasons of failures and fears creates a safe place for courageous confession, not condemnation.

SHOW COMPASSION TO OTHERS—Vulnerability on our part creates a conduit for compassion. There is no opportunity for self-promotion when we expose our own faults and highlight the compassion our God provides.
So let’s not cower under the comfort God has provided, but be courageous comforters who cover others in love.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Relish the Response

what response do you hunger for?

God extends a personal invitation to each of us to enter into a dialogue with Him. The God who created the universe desires to talk to us. How amazing is that?

He invites you to call on Him. He knows you and listens as you speak. He is eager to respond.

What kind of response are you yearning for today? Are you facing overwhelming circumstances and pray for rescue? Maybe you need His help to relinquish yourself from guilt or release forgiveness on someone else. Is your plea that He will redeem a situation that has caused pain? Reconciliation in a relationship? Perhaps a reminder of who you are or whose you are. A review of His promises? Could it be that you are feeling numb and only He can refresh and bring revival to a weary soul. Do you long for a deeper relationship with Him?
Listen for His voice and follow. He is a God who speaks. Whatever it is that you request, His reply will comfort you.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Growing Up not Old

photo by Jen Griffin

I was a baby Christian for twenty some years. That is way too long to be in diapers! Unfortunately, all I saw were other baby Christians, so I didn't know what it looked like to mature spiritually.

A church with only spiritual babes has a high energy level, but no one to teach them. They are an easy target for the enemy. On the other hand, a church family of only mature members has a wellspring of knowledge and experiences with God, but no heirs to receive the legacy. Just as families need the different generations, the church family needs members at different spiritual maturity.levels.

Baby believers should be the new reborns, not those who have been adopted into God's family and just never grew. Together we can help each other mature by welcoming new additions and consistently encouraging and challenging each other as we learn to live like Christ. As a member of His church we should want to group up, not just get old.

No prolonged infancies among us, please. We'll not tolerate babes in the woods, small children who are an easy mark for impostors. God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love--like Christ in everything. Ephesians 4:14-15 MSG

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Walking Under the Influence

Walking Under the Influence
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses…” Acts 1:8a
School shootings and stabbings, deadly disasters, AWOL airplanes. News stories abound with scary situations. There is much to be afraid of in 2014 A.D.
Two thousand years ago, the disciples and early church also had much to fear. The Bible records and history supports that early believers were speared, stoned, beheaded, and crucified. John, the beloved, disciple, died a natural death; yet, it is believed that he was boiled in hot oil before being exiled to Patmos. Scary scenarios.
The ESV uses the phrase “do not be afraid” thirty-three times. God also encouraged His people to “be strong and courageous” ten times in the OT. Yet we do not see either of these phrases after the book of Acts in the NT. After Christ’s ascension, we are told Paul was encouraged not to be afraid. Only two times.
Why the shift? Times are still terrifying.
The transition came when the Spirit came. We are now under His influence. He indwells. When Christ’s followers receive His salvation, they also receive His Spirit. No longer does the encouragement come from on high, it comes from within.
The epistles do not tell us to “fear not”, but show believers who walked in the Spirit became bold. The Spirit within enables our actions to speak as well as our words.
Times are tough, yet we do not have to cower in fear. We can boldly walk with the Spirit in His enabling power, knowing our purpose is to be Christ’s witness to our world.
“… and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.” Acts 4:31b
photo by Jen Griffin