Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Get out of Jail Free

The conversation began with my son saying, "Do you know what intrigues me?" 

My not-so-intelligent reply, "Uhhh...no." 

"If I were Paul, and in prison, and God sent an earthquake, and the doors opened, and the chains fell off, I'd be thanking God and getttin' outta there!  Why did Paul stay?"

Good question.

It got me thinking...what is it that makes us stay even when we don't have to?  I mean in a good "stay" way.  Not a bad "stay" like when God frees us from our stuff and we continue to lug it around with us as if we are still tied to it.  But the good kind of "stay", like when our circumstances make us want to get outta Dodge, but we don't.

And how do you know when to go and when to stay?  I tend to second guess myself (major understatement!!)  Was it God getting me out of a mess I got myself into and I need to give Him the glory and go, or am I in the perfect will of God and need to stay and finish well?  Even after being beaten with a stick and thrown in jail, Paul didn't seem to waiver on whether to stay or go.  He stayed.

I can't answer for Paul, but for me I'd have to say I go back to my purpose...or rather God's purpose for me.  What has God asked me to do?  Does this offer me an opportunity to do that?  Then I stay.

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