Friday, May 21, 2010

I have a shovel...

Metter, Georgia.  I lived in Georgia for five years and didn't really know where it was exactly.  I knew when I drove from Savannah to Indiana, that before reaching Macon I passed a sign that pointed to Metter.  But I had never been there.  Yet after we moved to Iowa, I was drawn to Metter.  After one of our return trips to visit family in southern Georgia, we specifically planned our trip to include a brief stop there.

Why?  Because I wanted to visit the Guido Gardens.  Michael Guido's story intrigued me and inspired me.  He has a prospering ministry in the little rural town of Metter and I wanted to see it for myself.  I knew of him because of his radio ministry and his "Seeds from the Sower" broadcasts. 

But when I visited the gardens, I found out that it was much more.  Their ministry has a wide variety of media components.  In addition to radio, they also have TV, print, and internet capabilities. They have educational programs to train others to spread the good news of the gospel. It has a worldwide outreach. 

I have heard many wonderful truths from the message seeds planted by this sower.  But the message that drew me to the gardens that day was one not publicized by the Guido media, but one I had heard when Michael Guido and his wife were interviewed.  The reporter asked the Guidos how they managed to build the expensive equipment-filled studios and their beautiful garden.  That answer is what drew me to Metter.
The answer to that question appears on their website as follows:
At the start of their ministry, Dr. and Mrs. Guido committed themselves to rely exclusively on God for all of their needs; never asking for money or selling items to raise it.
Dr. Guido went on to explain that when they had a need, any need, big or small, they would post it on a bulletin board and the staff would pray for it.  If they needed a shovel, they asked God to provide a shovel.  The stories of how God provided blew me away!  After posting and praying for the needed item, someone would contact them wanting to donate that particular item.  "I have a shovel..."

God, help me be that kind of person.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Master Craftsman

A few months ago I told you about my antique rocking chair.  The one I sat on and broke.  Yeah, that one.  Well, yesterday my family presented it to me as a Mother's Day gift.  Restored.  Whole.  Stable. Beautiful.

When it broke, I didn't know how to fix it.  To me it appeared beyond repair.  Unable to bear throwing it in the trash, I stored the broken pieces in the attic.

But my husband had another idea.  He took the chair to a craftsman for repair.  And in the hands of a master, my shattered chair was restored to its former beauty and is even stronger than it was before the crash.

God does the same with our personal disasters.  What may appear beyond repair to the human eye, is a miracle waiting to happen in the hands of the Master.  Romans 8:28 says "God causes all things to work together for good."  In the Revelation 21:5 He says "I am making all things new."

Notice that both of these say "ALL THINGS".  So don't even think for a minute that He can't fix the mess you have created in your own life.  I've created a few messes in my life, but I am not without hope. 

"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8

Yes, my God is all that!