Thursday, March 5, 2015

to my unborn granddaughter

To: Nora who remains in the womb
From: Nana who remains in the world

From one who has gone before…

Dear Nora,

Beautiful baby girl, you will soon be joining us here in your new world. Our current world.  I know that must sound odd. You probably have so many questions. What is it like? How will I get there? Why do I have to leave what I know for the unknown? Is the next place better? Is it the final place?
Please don’t ever think that Nana is unkind for not answering every question. It is not because I do not love you, but because I do that I answer your questions only in part at this time.

Don’t get me wrong, I could answer your questions with many details. I have words to describe the world you are about to enter. I have lived here for many years and have seen many things. The challenge is how do I describe it to one who has never seen?
So I will answer your questions in part. As one who has gone before, I will try to help you understand what is to come by associating it to what you currently know.

Now you experience our world through the filter of the womb. In your new world you will still hear heartbeats and feel warmth. Voices will still speak and sing to you. You will feel the touch of your father and the encompassing embrace of your mother.
And more.

In our world your ears will hear more clearly. Your skin will register a direct yet tender touch. Light will enable your eyes to focus on many splendid things. And your body will be free to venture and explore.

Do not fear the passing over from your world into ours. The process actually prepares you for what is to come. There are many who love you, anxiously waiting your arrival. Eager to care for you and train you in your new surroundings. Excited to share with you the many sights, sounds, and sensations. It will take a lifetime to explore all the vastness of this place!

Yes, precious one, you must leave your current home in order to experience the next. In so many ways it is better than your current environment. If given the option, would I return to the womb? No. Not after experiencing this world.
Is it your final place? No. There is one other world awaiting you. It has a special name. Heaven. Can I describe it to you? No.

I have not been there. I know in part because God has mentioned it in His book. In this, Nora girl, I am like you. Trusting the One who has gone before. Accepting what little He tells me. Believing that even though I don’t know, One who loves me does. I choose to trust Him to fill in the details when I arrive.
With much love and great anticipation,


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