Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Guidepost: God's Word and His family

1. A rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior.
2. A post bearing a sign that gives directions or shows the way.
Source: WordNet 1.7.1 Copyright © 2001 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

When you have lived forty years in the same general vicinity you don't have to know much about reading maps...no need for a GPS...never have to stop and ask for directions. You just know how to get there. Don't even pay much attention to the road names besides the signs they are written on. Maybe that is why God said "We're moving to Savannah. It's high time you learned how to read My map."

Now I knew that Savannah was in Georgia. I'd read Gone with the Wind five times and watched the movie at least that many times. But I had to get out a map to pin point its exact location. Coastal Georgia (can't say I knew Georgia actually reached the coast.) Awesome!

It wasn't just corn fields I was leaving behind in the Hoosier state. I was leaving family...biological family. I was leaving my mom! Most of our immediate and extended family lived in Indiana. In the same county even. It was huge for me.

But the guidepost God erected for me in Georgia was the importance of my spiritual family. He allowed a famine of biological family so that I could feast at the table with my spiritual family.

It took us awhile to find a church home. We'd go camp out at one. Pitch our tent. Feel obligated to stay--didn't want to hurt their feelings ya know. Then we gravitated to another. Repeat scenario. Finally, God got us where He wanted us and just in the nick of time. I'm not sure I would have made it through that leg of the journey if it weren't for my family of Grace.

My new family introduced me to in-depth Bible study and Beth Moore. I learned to love God's Word and Truth there. Learned that God had a purpose for my life. I learned what it meant to have someone walk along side of me...a spiritual momma who had walked a similar road. I learned that it was okay to be authentic and flawed and still be loved.

So I started reading the road map that God gave us for the journey. Gave Gone with the Wind a break and started reading the Bible.

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