Monday, April 21, 2008


What is it about the human race that we seem to crave extremes? Now this may sound a little odd from one of the most conservative and "safe" people in the universe--those who know me will attest to that. But I must confess that underneath the surface is a part of me that craves excitement.

We see evidence of this thrill seeking woven into the fiber of our society. Amusement parks offer bigger, faster, longer, higher roller coasters that push us to the limit. In addition to our traditional sports, we have extreme sports. We see threads of it in more dangerous outlets such as drugs and alcohol. As a species we seem to thrive on thrills. We want higher highs. Why?

When the blood is pounding through our veins and the adrenaline is pumping, we feel. It confirms that we exist. We live so much of our lives cocooned in our comfort zone. Occasionally we want to feel something. Anything. To know that we are not numb.

God created us with this desire. Why? So that we do crazy things that threaten our very lives? No. So that we will seek Him. Do you know that He is the epitome of extreme?

I didn't know this about Him at first. At first I thought He was the rule of restraint...all of those "Thou shalt nots" in the Ten Commandments. What I have come to know is that for each of those "thou shalt nots", He extends so many more thrilling challenges.

When was the last time you walked on the water? Have you ever crossed the sea on a dry river bed while the waters roared on either side of you? Have you ever taken a cruise on a boat filled with animals? Water rides not your favorite amusement park attraction? How about being swept up into the sky on a chariot of fire drawn by horses of fire?

Not impressed by the biblical stories? Think that was then, and you are now and you want some personal now stories? That's the thing about thrills. We want to own them for ourselves. The good news is that you can. Follow Jesus around. Accept His invitations.

He is the epitome of extremes. He is a lion and a lamb. He is the first and the last. He became man and remained God.

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